
Hello! Welcome to my blog.

A wee bit of background here for you.

I started a blog back in May 2012 called The Reluctant Bumpkin. I blogged happily for several months about life living in the country, my cats, cooking etc.

By November 2012, 2 of my 3 cats had died and in January 2013 I moved from the country into a town. Thus rendering the theme and entirety of my blog redundant!

Rather than have a confusing name, and because I miss & still want to blog about more general stuff, I wanted to start fresh and have created this shiny, new blog. Just Rachel.

So why Just Rachel? One of my clearest memories from school is sitting in Graphic Design with my friend Gabi, discussing middle names. I told her I dont have one, so Gabi said ...

'So you're Just Rachel?'

....and there you have it. Just little old me and my musings on life in general.

Stevie & Me