What I've Googled this week #4

Friday 27 September 2013

Here's what I've been tappity-tap-tap-tapping into that search bar this week!

Just beautiful. Via Pinterest, cant find original link, sorrryyyyy!!

1. Members of Scooby Doo
Because I could remember all their names but that of the girl with the yellow jumper and glasses.
Turns out, she is Velma.
I'll let you in on a secret now...I hate Scooby Doo. Like, detest it. Have done ever since I was a child. I'm not sure why, its not because it scared or traumatised me, I just really hate it.

2. Brown Cross Body Bag
I'm on the hunt for a satchel type bag, but not a satchel and in a very dark brown to match my new boots. Can I find one? Can I 'eck.

3. Rockers
A gang of us went to a restaurant called Rockers Steak House (Mill Road, Cambridge - if you're local!) recently for my sisters belated birthday celebrations. As always I like to be prepared so perused the menu before the night. The place has a great atmosphere, turned the music up loud on request for my favourite song (The Chain - Fleetwood Mac, in case you were wondering) and the food was delicious.
(I had - calamari, followed by a 'Big Cheese' burger. Sometimes the simplest choices are the best!


Monday 23 September 2013

from here

Today, I have been craving and near enough crazing for chocolate.

I'm not normally a craver of sweet things. Bread? Sure. Chilli? Get in ma' belly. Pasta? Carborific.

But chocolate? Rarely.

Today though.....today I really feel like I could smush my face into a chocolate cake and eat the entire thing in one sitting.

Its going to take every ounce of will power I possess to not stop off at the shop on the way home and buy one.

The Christmas Spread Sheet

Thursday 5 September 2013

I’ll start off with an apology. This is a Christmas-themed post, so if you don’t want to think about it yet…I'm sorry. I held off posting this until September, rather than the originally planned August, so I can be given some credit for waiting I can can’t I?

Anyhoo, onwards.

With my birthday falling a month before Christmas (ish – 24th November) and being a largely unorganised soul to date, Christmas gift buying has always proved quite stressful to me. I generally end up spending any birthday money I am lucky enough to receive on gifts for others, which isn’t too bad but I really should be able to spoil myself for my birthday!

This year, I have decided to change this pattern and get my Christmas shopping done gradually over the next few months, leaving me with nothing to do in the weeks prior to Christmas other than relax, enjoy parties and eat chocolate. Like it or not, there are only 3 paydays left until Christmas so I need to get planning.

In order to achieve this, I have created a spread sheet. Taa daaaa!

I love me a spread sheet

I’ve listed my loved ones for whom I should buy gifts (this list grows each year, if everyone could stop having babies and getting married for a bit, my bank balance and I would be most appreciative!)

Over the next couple of weeks I will be filling this up with ideas for gifts – as you can see, I’ve not got very far. When September pay-day looms, I can pick a couple to buy and check them off the list.

I'd actually really like to work on putting together tailored hampers for most-people this year, not only to keep costs down but to show I've put a bit of thought in.

You can see I've started off with a pamper hamper for my mum with will include lots of lovely beauty bits for her.

Then I'm planning a joint-night-in hamper for my brother and his wife. They love watching movies and with a 2-year-old, rarely get a night to themselves. I will give them a voucher to redeem offering my babysitting services, a few DVDs, a cosy blanket, pop-corn, sweets etc so they can have a night of peace and indulgence.

I try to budget about £20 per person, but I don’t stress too much if the perfect gift for them is a bit over or under this.

So there you have it, I’ve opened the can of worms that is Christmas 2013.

Do you plan for Christmas? Any top tips?